Saturday, July 21, 2012

As quickly as it began the adventure is now coming to a close. It seems insane that we're already our way home, but we had a fantastic trip and I would not have traded it for anything.
Each week and place was so fantastically different and we have so many stories and new friends from every one. I will miss insane moto taxis and nights spent dancing at el cumplejo in Iquitos, crazy rubber boot treks through the amazon, the phenomenal wonder that is Machu Picchu, craziness in wonderful Cusco, and the ever expansive Lima. I've crossed off so many bucket list items on this trip and the list has only grown exponentially for new places and adventures to be had.
I've had a whirlwind three week introduction and I've officially been bitten by the travel bug. We felt so safe and at ease the entire time and we were blessed in so many ways along the ride. Could not have asked for anything more.
We're going home with lots of new friends, unforgettable memories, and a long list of places to visit next time we get to South America. Thanks so much again for all of the prayers and love that made our adventure possible.
So, until the next trip...iCiao!
Checking into Pariwana we met James, our friend Eve from Cusco's friend from California. He helped us get settled in and then we were reunited with Eve. We all hung out and chilled celebrating the 4th and then a group of us ventured out to buy some groceries to BBQ some burgers. We had a great meal and spent the evening playing games with new and old friends at the hostel.
After a few hours we decided to go out downtown to try dancing, but on a Wednesday we had no luck and went to a place where we all hung out for a bit outside the hostel. We ended up running into our friend Alfredo
from Iquitos, such a small world. Lizzy was tired a little sooner then me and Chels so cabbed it back to Pariwana with one of our friends and Chels and I followed suit about an hour later.
We were really hungry when we got back and got directions from the people at the front desk to a sandwich place and two of the security guys walked with us to make sure we were safe. We messed up the directions and had to settle with getting instant cup of noodles from a gas station instead. It was a comic outing to say the least, but we enjoyed our makeshift meal and went to bed.
The next morning we all woke up, got ready, packed, stored our luggage, and grabbed Eve so that we could grab some food and watch the changing of the guards downtown. We made it just in the knick of time, but unfortunately the whole scene was overshadowed a bit by a woman who passed out in the street. The guards and paramedics acted quickly and were able to help her but it was quite eventful.
The four of us then walked across the square for a quick, cheap lunch at a cafe. We all got really excited after seeing a horse carriage in the square, learned it was only 4 soles and person, and had Juan the driver and Charlie the horse taking us for a spin around the square. We were quite pleased with our decision and enjoyed our moment to be majestic and touristy all at once.
After our wonderful ride with Charlie, we ran around taking silly tourist pictures and shopping around in some markets and stuff for more souviners before taking a taxi back to the hostel.
We spent the afternoon lounging and hanging out with our friends. In the evening we grabbed some sandwiches from a great place across the street from ten hostel. We ate them on a bench in the park that is filled with cats, (which Eve loved since she's all about the cats,) and then walked back to the hostel just in time to gather our things and take a cab to the water park.
Chels, Lizzy, Eve, and I enjoyed seeing all of the different fountains and taking lots of fun pictures. Once we'd finished up, we enjoyed some Anticuchos and took a taxi back to the hostel.
Sadly, we had just enough time to gather our bags, call a cab, and say goodbye to our friends before heading to the airport for the end of our trip.
When we arrived in Lima our flight was delayed once again getting in but Chelsey's family friends Juan and Denise were waiting for us when we left baggage claim. They took us straight to a wonderful restaurant owned by a top 30 chef for a belated birthday celebration lunch for Chels. I still wasn't feeling well so food wasn't super appealing unfortunately, but I had some pork chops with apples honey and a side of mashed potatoes that were delicious. I ate as much as I could and we all appreciated such a treat from Juan and Denise.
We went back to their apartment and got the lay of the land, met their lovely dogs Larry and Lola, and settled in to chat and watch a movie. I went to bed pretty early hoping to feel a bit better since we wanted to go to the Museo de Oro (Gold Museum) the next day. I woke up nearly the next day still feeling under the weather but showered, got ready and laid low until we left. Since it was close we walked to the Museum and it was really interesting. There's everything from weapons to jewelry to textiles and it was amazing to take all of it in. The craziest is that the entire collection belongs to one man since it was so extensive.
After we finished walking through the museum, we took a taxi down to Laco Mar, a really cute outdoor shopping mall with lots of cute cafes overlooking the water. We enjoyed a nice lunch together and walked around a few of the stores before catching another cab back to Juan and Denise's. We were pretty tired and I was still under the weather so we spent a lazy evening watching movies once again and enjoying dinner that Denise was kind enough to prepare for us. I headed to bed once again hopeful that I would feel better for our bike ride the next day.
I awoke on our second morning finally having broken my fever and feeling well enough to take our bike tour of Lima thank goodness. We rode for a few hours along the water in Barrancas and enjoyed a nice lunch at a cute little green cafe along the way. After our ride we walked into Mira Flores to shop around in the Incan Market for some more souvenirs. It was about 6:30 when we hopped in a cab to get back to the apartment where Denise had cooked Peruvian for us for dinner. It was delicious, and I was happy to have my appetite back a bit after having been sick. We enjoyed another nice movie night and and went to bed excited for the 4th the next day.
We decided to head to the Pariwana Lima for our last couple days and night to see some of our friends from Cusco and celebrate the 4th. We said our goodbyes to Juan and Denise, thanked them for their marvelous hospitality, and cabbed it to Mira Flores for Pariwana.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


     After returning to Pariwana from our Machu Picchu adventures, we stayed in for the night catching up on some much needed sleep. Wednesday we woke up, had breakfast, and went to look around the city with a couple of Australian girls we had met at our hostel. We had a good time looking around the markets to see some souvenir options and such. After a couple hours of wandering we all got lunch together at a cute little cafe in downtown. We wanted to wander a bit more so Chels, Lizzy and I walked through some other parts of town. We stopped at a chocolate shop for some treats and then stumbled upon the best jewelry shop. The women running the store is the kindest, most wonderful person. She spoke very little English which gave Chels and I some good Spanish practice, and her store was full of beautiful handmade jewlery that she had done herself. She had American pop hits blasting through the stereo and started dancing a bit with us for her love of musica de moda. Not to mention, her prices were the most reasonable we´ve found anywhere, and we were stoked to support this lovely women. She individually packed all of our purchases in bags for safer travel because it´s her love, and hugged and kissed all of us call us her amors before we left the shop. We all wanted to adopt her into our families she´s so fantastic.
     We wandered for a bit more around the city before heading back to the hostel. We grabbed a quick bite at the hostel and then hung out with some new friends that we'd made. There was a quiz night held for the activity that night and me, Chels, and three girls that we had met from Canada teamed up and ended up winning! We were pretty stoked and used our free beverage prize to make some more friends in the hostel. After waking Lizzy from her nap, we all geared up for our first night out dancing in Cusco. We had a great time living it up with all of our new friends and settled in to our new Cusco familia.
     The next day we woke up to head to the Chocolate Museum. We first planned to wander and check it all out, but once we got there we talked to one of the guys who worked there and he encouraged us to sign up for the lall that lets you make chocolate from bean to the bar.  We went back at 1:30 and started our class and lucky us the VIP treatment continued and we were able to take the class with no one but the three of us which was really fun. We learned a lot about the chocolate and got to make our own flavored candies. I also won the competition that our instructior had made for us and got some free cocoa tea which was awesome.
     We went for some lunch after finishing our class and then returned to pick up our chocolate. The evening class had about 20 people in it so we were stoked at how spoiled we had been. We spent the night in hanging out with all of our friends and enjoying the performances of our hostel buddies and a bachelor party that was now staying at Pariwana. An entertaining night to say the least. Lizzy even convinced Chels and I to see a Ke$ha song with her at one point for a break in the Spanish ballads.
     The next day we woke up and chilled reading and hanging with some of our friends before wandering out into the city. We wanted to check out some churches and stuff and our friend Nathan decided to take us up to a church on a hill over looking the city. The view was spectacular. We snapped some photos and hung out for a bit before wandering parts of Cusco that we hadn't explored yet and checking out new markets and churches and such. I was feeling a little tired so spent the rest of the afternoon reading and chilling until getting ready with Chels and Lizzy for our "splurge" dinner at this amazing restaurant called Fallen Angel. We'd heard really great things and had stopped by to chek it out and the decor and vibe were awesome. The meal didn't disappoint and we really enjoyed ourselves, I even got adventerous and tried alpaca and it was well worth it!
     We got back to the hostel and met up with our friends hanging out for the evening before we all decided to go out dancing for the night. It was another great night at Mythology with our friends with fantastic music, and we all wandered back later to crash after another wonderful day.
     On our last day in Cusco we went to the black market with our friend Jay to see if we could find some iPods or iPhones for Jay and Lizzy who had both lost technology since travelling. There was no luck at the market but it was definitely an experience to check out the culture that way. We wandered to the San Pedro market as well to see what else Cusco had to offer because we heard it was a must do. After wandering for a good part of the afternoon I wasn't feeling very well because (what I now know was an ear infection) was really starting to get to me and a fever setting in. I went back to the room and read and napped for most of the afternoon.
     In the evening I wandered out to find Chelsey and Lizzy and found our friend Margaret who was also feeling a bit under the weather. We decided to stay in and watch a movie together so a small group of us enjoyed The Departed together. Feverish and exhausted I called it a night and went to bed while Lizzy and Chels enjoyed our last night in Cusco with our friends. The next morning we woke up, packed up, said our goodbyes, and headed to the airport. It was bittersweet since we had made such fantastic friends and really enjoyed our time there. Definitely will have to go back some day!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Like a Boss

     On Tuesday morning we woke up at 4am once again so that we could catch the bus to Machu Picchu at 5:30 in order to make it to our hike for Huyanapicchu at 7. Once we got into the park, we made our way towards the gate to Huyanapicchu, but not before stopping to hang out and have a photo op with some llamas. Chels and I like creatures, what can I say? We arrived at the gate at about 6:30 and we were just behind a couple of girls from Nebraska who were really nice. One had hiked it last year and gave us some ideas for what to expect. We signed into the log at 7 and started our trek.
     We were told that it was a pretty intense hike and that it should take about 45 minutes to an hour. Our guide fom the day before dared us to beat his 45 minute record since we were young and in shape. It was intense with the altitude, but once we made it to the top we realized that we beasted it in just over 30 minutes. Needless to say we felt pretty accomplished. The view from the top is positively stunning. Huyanapicchu is situated so that you can see all of the ruins from the view, and since we were the first three at the top we had about 15-20 minutes to ourselves just to enjoy the view and take it all in. It was super majestic that morning because we were literally in a cloud and it made the whole experience super surreal.
     After more people started to arrive at the peak and we had gotten all of the desired pictures, we decided to hike to the Grand Cavern at the bottom of the mountain since we had plenty of time to explore. Our legs were pretty tired after our long hike and the downhill was pretty rough on our joints but it was cool to be able to see the cavern once we finally made it down. I´m more and more impressed by these Incas the more I see let me tell you. We hung out at the bottom for awhile to recover a bit once we realized that it was a 90 minute hike back up the mountain to Machu Picchu. It was a rough go since our legs were quite jello-y  at that point but we made it back to the main ruins in about 40 minutes. Our main motivation at that point was food since after three hours of intense hiking we did not have near enough in our systems.
     After some seriously overpriced sandwiches, we headed back to the ruins to get some more pictures that we had wanted and just take it all in for a little longer. Around 1:00, we said our goodbyes to Machu Picchu and loaded the bus back to Aguas Calientes. We picked up our stuff from the hostel, went to a cafe to read and hang out for a bit, and then did some browsing in the markets before heading back to the train station for our return to Cusco.
     After our 4 hour journey to Cusco, we arrived back at about 9pm and showered and got ready for bed after a couple of long, exhausting days. It was beyond worth it though. We all agreed that Huyanapicchu was the best hike we´ve ever done in our lives and don´t know when or where we could top it at this point. Overall, our two days at Machu Picchu were some of the most rewarding and fulfilling days we´ve ever experienced. I still can´t believe that we actually did it, so good thing there´s proof in pictures to affirm it for myself. We´re some lucky ladies to say the least.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Meant to Live

   We awoke bright and early on Monday morning at 4am so that we could catch the first bus to Machu Picchu at 5.30. We were determined to see the sunrise and it felt like Christmas morning we were so excited so exhaustion wasn´t really a problem. We rode the but for about 30 minutes up the switchbacks and entered the park at about 6am. Lizzy started using her handheld camera to film our initial reactions and we were surprised that we were almost instantly at the ruins, we thought that there would be more of a hike.
     We climbed a bit more to get the view from above to catch the sunrise, and awestruck doesn´t begin to describe it. As cliche as it sounds, words can´t really describe the scenery. Not only are the ruins spectacular, the landscape surrounding it is beyond incredible. It´s so serene, surreal, and there´s and overwhelming feeling of saftey sitting there trying to take it all in. After a hard year, I felt so blessed to be somewhere so beautiful. It was a humbling experience to say the least.
    We hung out at the ruins for awhile and then Chels and I walked over to the Incan bridge to check it out. Our friends from Camiri Sandro and Betsey had told us about a really cool rock overlooking the cliffs there so we were excited for a photo-op and to see more of the mountains. After about another hour or so we headed back down to the entrance to meet our tour guide at 8.45. We were all excited to learn more about the history of the land and the amazing people who built all of this.
     After a little confusion finding one another, we finally started our tour at about 9.00 and walked down through the ruins learning all about the architecture and history. Our guide was super enthusiastic and we really enjoyed hearing everything he had to teach us. The Incans were seriously impressive, that was definitely our take-away from our time with him. (Lucky us, we were the only three on our tour as well so we got to go at our own pace.)
     Once we completed our tour, we walked over to the Sun Gate, which is part of the Incan trail and sits high above the ruins on one side on MontaƱa Machu Picchu. It was quite the climb, especially witht the altitude, but we had our coca leaves and considered it training for Huyana Picchu the next day. It was well worth it too since the view from the top is incredible. When we finished our hike, we headed back down and spent a couple more hours just enjoying the ruins and taking in the view, which I don´t think I could ever tire of. At about 2 or 3 pm, we were ready to hop on a bus after our long day to grab a good meal and rest up for our hike the next day.
     It was dumping rain when we got back to Aguas Calientes, (so my new catch phrase became no Aguas Calientes, Aguas Frio! due to the pouring rain and freezing showers at our hostel, but anywho) so we were excited to go to a restaurant for a nice warm meal.We treated ourselves a bit and went to a really nice sit down place and enjoyed ourselves quite a bit. It was worth the splurge and totally necessary to refuel.
     We braved the monsoon status rains for the walk back to our hostel and bundled up for a night in of reading and early sleep. We indulged in some Peruvian junk food from a conveniece store and hung out in our room until bed time at about 7.30. We´d been up since 4 and had the same wake up call the next morning for Huyana Picchu, so we relished in the sleep and were super excited to head back the next day for our big hike.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Just Around the Riverbend

     We arrived in Cusco a couple days ago to our hostel Pariwana. All of us were super stoked because the vibe and amenities and everything were fantastic. We were just using it as a stop over for the day but after our other adventures we'll go back for five. 
     We mostly had a low key night, went to a market with our new friend tourist Tom and had a dinner at the hostel before going to bed to prepare for our early morning. 
     We were picked up at 8:30 in the morning by Willy our guide for white water rafting. After about a 90 minute drive we made it to the Sacred River Valley where we were briefed for safety and wet-suited up. Rafting was so much fun, super chill floating when we weren't in the rapids and crazy but awesome in them. Willy our guide was super sarcastic and friendly too. 
      He let us jump off a bridge into the rapids which was freezing but amazing. He had other games for us along the way too including our "baptism" since is was our first time rafting which involved jumping out of the boat and floating down the rapids for the last bit. Again, freezing, but totally worth it. 
     After we had changed we had a lovely lunch with our guides who then dropped us off at our hostel in Ollantaytambo. It's a beautiful quaint little city with Incan ruins and cobblestone like streets. Our hostel Casa de Wow! is run by a precious couple named Winn & Wow, she's American and he's Peruvian. 
     We made a couple friends and had a nice dinner at a really great pizza place, then stopped by a local bar to try a pisco sour, which is super typical around here. After that we turned in for the night and woke early this morning for breakfast and exploring the town a bit. 
     We did a little shopping around the local market and had a lovely lunch at a local cafe that benefits children in the region. We also hiked some ruins right behind our hostel which was incredible. It's a little more difficult in the altitude but nothing too crazy; and it's totally worth it. It's so surreal to think about how long they have been there and where they placed them on the mountains without modern tools. And this was just a warm-up to Macchu Pichu!
     We're now on a train headed to Aquas Calientes a small tourist town near Macchu Pichu, and then tomorrow we hike the ruins! Can't wait. 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Built Like an Amazon

     This morning we woke up around 7 so that we could have an early breakfast before heading into the jungle for one last adventure. We'd had an awesome time but we were definitely getting tired and ready to head to the next part of our journey. 
     For our last expedition we went down to the Naya River again about 90 minutes away by boat. We went to search for anacondas and to see one of the largest trees. It's 40 meters high and I think he said about 150 around with all the roots. It's about 200 years old and obviously, massive. Pretty majestic. 
     We didn't find any anaconda, but we found a vine that Chels and I were able to swing on and have a tarzan moment. Then we went back to the lodge to shower, pack and have a quick lunch before heading out. 
     We loaded our boat back to Iquitos and Chels and I started napping almost right away. We woke up about forty minutes later to learn that our boat was starting to break down. Within about a minute we were able to flag down a boat full of a tour of ladies who were gracious enough to let us join them for the rest of the way. 
     Once back in Iquitos. We took a motor taxi to the king lodge offices to wait for our cab to the airport and say goodbye to Sergio. 
     We got to the airport around 3:30 or 4 thinking our flight was around 5, but we had mixed up the times with one of our other flights and we weren't scheduled to leave until 7:40, so we had a long afternoon hanging out at the airport. Better early than late! 
      After about an hour delay due to weather for our flight, we were finally off. Now we're staying the night in Lima before heading to Cusco tomorrow for the next leg of our trip. 

In the Jungle, the Mighty Jungle

     5am came quickly after such a long second day but with no rain we were ready to see more dolphins and some birds. It was still dark when Sergio woke us up but daylight started creeping in as we walked to the boat. 
     Right when we got out on the water a dolphin came up about five yards from our boat which was awesome. They look so different from saltwater dolphins so it was fun to see them closer up. After that we didn't see any quite as close but every so often they would pop up for the next hour. We were all pretty tired but the sunrise was gorgeous so it made it worth it. 
     After the dolphins we went to the opposite bank from the lodge to see some birds. We also saw a really big frog that lived in a little burrow like a rabbit. On of our guides coaxed him out so we could all see what it was since we were debating whether it was a frog, a mouse, or a spider. 
     Sergio then showed us a lagoon where anaconda live. We didn't see any snakes while there but I guess it's pretty dangerous. 
     We made it back to the lodge just in time for breakfast and then had about an hour to lay in the hammocks and relax before our four hour trek in the primary jungle. 
     We walked the path to the Naya River again and took the boat about thirty minutes to where we entered the primary jungle. We stopped at a family's home where they had lots of chickens, ducks, and cows. We all spread some corn for the birds and Chels and Lizzy had a grand time chasing and playing with the chickens and ducks. 
     We then walked into the jungle to experience the primary jungle in the daylight. We started off at a termite tree where we broke into a termite nest and all gathered and rubbed termites on our arms since it's a natural repellent. We were all a little wary at first but got pretty stoked on it fairly quickly because it smelled surprisingly nice and we were all for the mosquito repellent part. 
     We then trekked around for a couple hours learning about different plants and such experiencing what the jungle had to offer. It was a lot of fun, even the swampy parts where Sergio had to cut us walking sticks to that we could balance walking through the muck. Harry and chelsey had the added adventure of their boots having holes making them not waterproof which was a fun surprise. They got to carry bits of the swamp with them all day and Harry's animated responses were priceless. 
     Sergio then found us another seed that can be used as paint, purple instead of red this time, and naturally we had a wonderful time war-painting up and playing. We were quite the jungle creatures at that point. We then tried some sour cane on our way back to the house. We saw a couple monkeys playing in the trees close to the end of our adventure which was sweet because we hadn't seen them in the wild yet. 
     When we got back to the house with the farm animals we were given coconut milk straight from the husk which we drank and lounged for a bit to recover from our long, hot journey. We thanked the family and jumped in our boat ready to head back to the lodge. 
    On our walk after the boat, I sensed the presence of a sloth nearby. We had been wanting to see and hold a sloth since before we left for Peru, and in the jungle it was our mission. Sure enough, I turn to my right and there they are, two sloths, family pets for a family in the village. I was so excited when they were that close that when Sergio actually talked to the family and carried Jose the sloth down the stairs I almost started jumping for joy. Me, Chels and Lizzy were in heaven. We had found a sloth to hold and take pictures with. Pure bliss emanated from us as we held Jose. As our friend Bobby from Camiri said, finding the sloth was like a metaphor for life, and we had accomplished our mission. I now understood Kristen Bell and her sixth sense for sloths that much more. 
     Back at the lodge we had lunch and lounged and then said goodbye to Harry and Mike as they had a boat to catch to their next destination. It was great to have them along for our jungle adventure. 
     After dinner Sergio took us to a small, poor village farther down the amazon. After a long day he wanted us to have something relaxing, and I'm so glad we went. We spent a couple hours playing with some of the children there who where seriously the sweetest. They were so excited to play with us and take pictures which they loved looking at immediately afterwards. I got to play futbol with a couple of the boys which was fantastic. Didn't realize how much I missed it. So Luke & Joe soccer this summer when I'm home?
     We then has dinner and went to bed ready for our last day in the jungle. 

Hey I Heard You Were a Wild One

     We woke up on day two at 5am to darkness and pouring rain. Since Sergio hadn't come to fetch us and we were exhausted, we fell back asleep until Sergio woke us up at 7:30 for breakfast. He said that we could go in search of the dolphins the next morning because it's impossible to see anything in the rain.
     After breakfast we walked out to a path that took us to the Naya River. The rain had cleared for the most part at that point so we took some boats to visit the Yagua tribe of Indians. Sergio talk us about their traditional dress and hunting habits. We then were face painted by the chief, (with chelsey and my favorite new seed from day one) and watched a dance and then joined in for a bit. They then showed us how to use a blowgun which is their traditional hunting weapon. It was cool to get a little peek into their culture even if some parts were a bit for the tour. 
     The kids there were too precious though. One little baby is my favorite new nugget. He was so calm and chubby and happy, we loved him. After buying some trinkets like a birthday present for Chels and we were back in the boats and on our way back to camp, but not before the people gave Chelsey some awesome piranha earrings for her birthday. Sergio was all about making Chelsey's birthday amazing. 
     We had an hour to lounge in the hammocks before and after lunch. Then it was time fish for piranhas. Us and the germans climbed in the boat and drive to the opposite bank which was prime fishing. It was super entertaining since we used simple sticks with fishing line and a hook for rods and raw chicken and beef for bait. Those fish are hungry and sneaky though. The first ten minutes they evaded us and got a pretty sweet meal of raw meat. Then we started hooking them in and pretty soon we had a decent amount caught. We threw some back since they were so small but we caught a couple winners too. Me,  Lizzy, Chels, and the guides all had 2-3 fish about 45 minutes in and poor Mike and Harry still had not had any luck. At one point Harry looked at me and said, "so you're fishing, what are we doing then?" Always entertaining our German friends. About 10 minutes before we left mike reeled one in, and as we were about to pull away Harry caught one too. So it was a successful day for everyone. 
     On our way back to the lodge we stopped in the middle to swim. The piranhas stayed on the banks mostly so in open water we were safer. We all jumped in and tread around for a bit enjoying the fact that we could all cross swimming in the amazon river off all of our bucket lists. I was surprised by how much you could actually feel the current since it looks so calm from above, but we were still in pretty tame waters.
     On our way back to the lodge we saw some pink dolphins swimming and sat out for awhile hoping to catch a couple more glimpses. Sergio and our other guide were determined whistling and searching and it paid off somewhat since we saw a few of the elusive pink fresh water dolphins which was pretty legit. 
     Next we went back to our rooms to shower and hang out for a bit until dinner. We had a lovely meal and Sergio informed us that we should stick around for a bit after dinner because he had a birthday surprise for chelsey. He then told the rest of the room to stick around as well. 
    When everyone was finished Sergio gathered us around a table that they had prepared and presented Chelsey with a beautiful cake personalized just for her. Sergio then gave a little speech and we all sang to Chels in English and Spanish. The owner then used a match as a candle and Chels made a wish before serving everyone some cake. The owner then opened two bottles of beer for everyone to share and got some music so that we could all sit and enjoy the little birthday party they had prepared. Sitting around with nothing but lanterns to light the room was just so sweet; they definitely made it a birthday for the books for Chels, and it was hospitable and lovely of them to
put forth the effort. 
     After the celebration we went back to our room and read until bedtime resting up for our early morning the next day. 

Welcome to the Jungle

     Our boat ride to Amazon King Lodge started with Sergio our tour guide informing us about the Amazon River and the Indians that live there. We spent the next two hours traveling to the lodge marveling at the fact that we has made it to the amazon. 
     Once we got to the lodge, we had lunch, were sized for our rubber boots for trekking, and were showed to our room. The food was delicious; every meal was. Rice and a salad of beets, carrots, avocado, and cucumber were accompanied with Yucca for every meal which usually had a delicious protein. Needless to say we were stoked on the food. Our room was pretty sweet too. We had a private triple and they had folded our towels into little animals. Just the first bit of wonderful hospitality we received during our stay. We were roughing it a bit with no electricity, "everything traditional" as Sergio would say. 
     We then went around the grounds learning a bit about the different plants and trees. It seemed uninteresting but Chels and I quite enjoyed playing with the natural finger paints and such. Thus began our jungle creature ways. 
    After our tour we had a little down time before walking to the reserve with monkeys we could play with, which was awesome. We also got to hold a parrot, snapping turtle, and an anaconda. Little creepy but I did it ha.
     Then we walked further along the river bank to a lookout so that we could watch our first Amazonian sunset. The view was gorgeous buy we had to walk back fairly quickly since we had an hour to walk and had to beat the darkness.
     After dinner, Chels, the Germans and I opted to join the night trek into the primary jungle in search of tarantulas and wild anaconda. Lizzy was tired from a long day so she decided to stay in and sleep. The walk was pretty cool. The stars were phenomenal, we could see the milky way and I was in awe. We found a couple tarantulas which was actually kind of exciting, plus it was our first time in primary jungle and in the darkness Chels and I were super stoked and totally nerding out that we were there.
     On the walk back we talked Ortlieb and cars with the Germans and after our three hour trek Sergio told us we were good walkers. This proved to be quite helpful since we did a lot of that in the next few days. All in all, it was the perfect first day. We went to bed exhausted but ready for our 5am wake up call the next morning to see dolphins and birds.

Last two days in Iquitos

     Our last two days in Iquitos were fairly relaxing. After a chill afternoon reading and lounging in hammocks, we went to dinner with Betsey, Sandro, and Mike. We decided to go for local fare and went to a place called Ari's with open seating right across from el centro. Me, Chels, and Sandro had ice coconut beverages straight out of the husk which was fun. Our food arrived and it was so delicious but the portions were gigantic. We all shared our plates since it was so great but we were insanely full after. With the heat though there was definitely room for ice cream, so we all enjoyed a cone on our way back to Camiri.      We all hung out at the hostel for a bit and then went back to el cumpleo one of the local dance places we were at the night before. It was fun but basically the same and more packed so we left after an hour or two to get some rest.       Yesterday we mostly hung out at Camiri again reading and enjoying the sunshine while Lizzy swam. Chels and I are a bit too sketched out by the water ha. We had a late afternoon lunch with our friend Anna from Poland who we met the night before back at Ari's. We were smarter though and shared one platter between the three of us this time. After another ice cream to beat the heat, (at 1.5 soles who could resist?) we visited our tour guide with Harry and Mike to see what we would be doing in the Amazon. They're joining our tour which will be fun! We walked around Iquitos for a bit to get a feel for the town and the went back to Camiri and made some friends who just got back from a spiritual cleanse in the jungle. Three were from Texas and two from Kentucky. We bonded over our love of books and spent a couple hours chatting before a quick bite to eat at the hostel.       We spent the evening hanging out with our friends at the hostel and were joined again by Matt and Alfredo. They took us to a local bar that specializes in liqueurs made from local roots. They all tasted pretty similar but it was an interesting experience. We went back the el cumpleo for night three but it was more of the same so with our tour in the morning we didn't stay long.        We packed up this morning and hopped in some motor taxis to meet up with our boat to the amazon. On the way one side of my backpack's hip belt got caught on the wheel of the cycle and ripped clean off. We stopped and once he retrieved it from the spokes we were off again. Oh the adventures of travel.       We're now on a boat on the amazon heading to our camp for our tour. Excited to see what's in store!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day 1 Iquitos

     Greetings from Iquitos! We got in last night at about 7:30 from Lima and straight off the plane it was hot and buggy. The sun had already set and it was still  86 degrees. We were picked up by Lisandro, one of the men working at our hostel Camiri. He's from Argentina and has been in Iquitos for a week. He made friends with Marcel during his stay and he and his amigo are now helping Marcel to run the place. 
     Lisandro made us feel at ease immediately and chatted about Camiri and his adventures I Hawaii. It was an entertaining ride because we got to take in Iquitos on our way to the hostel. The main mode of transportation is motorcycles and motor taxis, so the ride is always an adventure. We loved it. We arrived at our hostel which is floating on the river here. The location is prime because it's nice and quiet and super friendly. Walking down the steps to the waterfront with our backpacks was a bit of a task but we made it no harm done and were so stoked when we got our first glimpse of Camiri. Chelsey and I have dubbed it the broke college student's Tahiti or floating Bora Bora resort. 
     We spent the evening chatting with Marcel and Lisandro and getting some Spanish lessons. We wanted to see the sunrise so we dubbed it the "Drinks & Spanish Lessons Til Sunrise Tour." They might add it to the website soon haha. 
     We met what we've now started to call our Motley-Crew here at Camiri. We're quite the eclectic international bunch. It's me Lizzy and Chels representing America, Sandro and Betsey a Peruvian brother and sister who are now from Miami, Matt the Aussie and his friend Fernando from Colombia, and two Germans Harry and Mike. We all went out dancing in Iquitos and had the best first night for our adventure that we could have expected. It's great to have a group to enjoy what the city has to offer. 
     When we came back to Camiri there was about an hour to sunrise, so we sat and talked soccer and such until the sun rose, which was phenomenal. Feels like fake life. We went to sleep for a few hours and now we've spent the day relaxing with our new friends here at Camiri. 
     Lizzy, Chels, & I just had a wonderful lunch in town, I had Papas a la Huancaina, Chels Lomo Saltado, and Lizzy fish with cream sauce. In a word, amazing. 
     Now we're hanging with our motley crew gearing up for another adventure. Excited to see what's in store. Until later!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

It doesn't feel quite real yet but the trip is finally here! Crazy how it seemed to creep up on us this last month. I've never really blogged before so bear with me with my first attempt here haha. I'm sitting in the Delta Sky Lounge in Atlanta waiting for my connection to Lima (thanks by the way parentals, not a bad way to start the trip ;) ) and I'm trying to let all of this sink in. I can't help but feel extremely blessed by the opportunity to go on this trip and I'm so excited to see what God has in store for our adventure.
I just spoke with Grammy on the phone and had an overwhelming sense of peace because of all of the love and support from all of our family and friends and for all of the wonderful prayers from everyone as we embark on this journey. Couldn't ask for anything more. And don't fret, we're staying safe!
Anywho, I can't wait to get this started. But first, time to enjoy some free grub from the delta lounge. And Aubs, I'll try to do you proud with my selections ;) oh, and also, Peru is coo. You're welcome Aubs and Nay-Nay. Now for food and beverage, and tonight, Peruuuu!!